50 research outputs found

    Quantum Mechanics Must Be Complex

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    Unbiased estimation of an optical loss at the ultimate quantum limit with twin-beams

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    Loss measurements are at the base of spectroscopy and imaging, thus perme- ating all the branches of science, from chemistry and biology to physics and material science. However, quantum mechanics laws set the ultimate limit to the sensitivity, constrained by the probe mean energy. This can be the main source of uncertainty, for example when dealing with delicate system such as biological samples or photosensitive chemicals. It turns out that ordinary (clas- sical) probe beams, namely with Poissonian photon number distribution, are fundamentally inadequate to measure small losses with the highest sensitivity. Conversely, we demonstrate that a quantum-correlated pair of beams, known as twin-beam state, allows reaching the ultimate sensitivity for all energy regimes (even less than one photon per mode) with the simplest measurement strategy. One beam of the pair addresses the sample, while the second one is used as a reference to compensate both for classical drifts and for uctuation at the most fundamental quantum level. This scheme is also absolute and accurate, since it self-compensates for unavoidable instability of the sources and detectors, which could otherwise lead to strongly biased results. Moreover, we report the best sensitivity per photon ever achieved in loss estimation experiments

    Quantum differential ghost microscopy

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    Quantum correlations become formidable tools for beating classical capacities of measurement. Preserving these advantages in practical systems, where experimental imperfections are unavoidable, is a challenge of the utmost importance. Here we propose and realize a quantum ghost imaging protocol able to compensate for the detrimental effect of detection noise and losses. This represents an important improvement as quantum correlations allow low brightness imaging, desirable for reducing the absorption dose. In particular, we develop a comprehensive model starting from a ghost imaging scheme elaborated for bright thermal light, known as differential ghost imaging and particularly suitable in the relevant case of faint or sparse objects. We perform the experiment using SPDC light in microscopic configuration. The image is reconstructed exploiting non-classical intensity correlation rather than photon pairs detection coincidences. On one side we validate the theoretical model and on the other we show the applicability of this technique by reconstructing a biological object with 5 micrometers resolution

    Photon number correlation for quantum enhanced imaging and sensing

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    In this review we present the potentialities and the achievements of the use of non-classical photon number correlations in twin beams (TWB) states for many applications, ranging from imaging to metrology. Photon number correlations in the quantum regime are easy to be produced and are rather robust against unavoidable experimental losses, and noise in some cases, if compared to the entanglement, where loosing one photon can completely compromise the state and its exploitable advantage. Here, we will focus on quantum enhanced protocols in which only phase-insensitive intensity measurements (photon number counting) are performed, which allow probing transmission/absorption properties of a system, leading for example to innovative target detection schemes in a strong background. In this framework, one of the advantages is that the sources experimentally available emit a wide number of pairwise correlated modes, which can be intercepted and exploited separately, for example by many pixels of a camera, providing a parallelism, essential in several applications, like wide field sub-shot-noise imaging and quantum enhanced ghost imaging. Finally, non-classical correlation enables new possibilities in quantum radiometry, e.g. the possibility of absolute calibration of a spatial resolving detector from the on-off- single photon regime to the linear regime, in the same setup

    Optimal estimation of entanglement and discord in two-qubit states

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    Recently, the fast development of quantum technologies led to the need for tools allowing the characterization of quantum resources. In particular, the ability to estimate non-classical aspects, e.g. entanglement and quantum discord, in two-qubit systems, is relevant to optimise the performance of quantum information processes. Here we present an experiment in which the amount of entanglement and discord are measured exploiting different estimators. Among them, some will prove to be optimal, i.e., able to reach the ultimate precision bound allowed by quantum mechanics. These estimation techniques have been tested with a specific family of states ranging from nearly pure Bell states to completely mixed states. This work represents a significant step in the development of reliable metrological tools for quantum technologies

    Experimental quantum cryptography scheme based on orthogonal states

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    Since, in general, non-orthogonal states cannot be cloned, any eavesdropping attempt in a Quantum Communication scheme using non-orthogonal states as carriers of information introduces some errors in the transmission, leading to the possibility of detecting the spy. Usually, orthogonal states are not used in Quantum Cryptography schemes since they can be faithfully cloned without altering the transmitted data. Nevertheless, L. Goldberg and L. Vaidman [\prl 75 (1995) 1239] proposed a protocol in which, even if the data exchange is realized using two orthogonal states, any attempt to eavesdrop is detectable by the legal users. In this scheme the orthogonal states are superpositions of two localized wave packets travelling along separate channels. Here we present an experiment realizing this scheme

    Anomalous Weak Values and the Violation of a Multiple-measurement Leggett-Garg Inequality

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    Quantum mechanics presents peculiar properties that, on the one hand, have been the subject of several theoretical and experimental studies about its very foundations and, on the other hand, provide tools for developing new technologies, the so-called quantum technologies. The nonclassicality pointed out by Leggett-Garg inequalities has represented, with Bell inequalities, one of the most investigated subject. In this letter we study the connection of Leggett-Garg inequalities with a new emerging field of quantum measurement, the weak values. In particular, we perform an experimental study of the four-time correlators Legget-Garg test, by exploiting single and sequential weak measurements performed on heralded single photons. We show violation of a four-parameters Leggett-Garg inequality in different experimental conditions, demonstrating an interesting connection between Leggett-Garg inequality violation and anomalous weak values

    Nonclassical noise features in a correlation plenoptic imaging setup

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    Sub-shot-noise imaging and correlation plenoptic imaging are two quantum imaging techniques that enable to overcome different problems of classical imaging systems. Combining the two techniques is not trivial, since the former is based on the detection of identical corresponding modes to subtract noise, while the latter requires the detection of different modes to perform directional reconstruction. In this paper, we experimentally show the possibility to obtain a noise-reduction factor smaller than one, a necessary condition to perform sub-shot-noise imaging, in a setup that can be adapted to correlation plenoptic imaging

    Temporal teleportation with pseudo-density operators: how dynamics emerges from temporal entanglement

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    We show that, by utilising temporal quantum correlations as expressed by pseudo-density operators (PDOs), it is possible to recover formally the standard quantum dynamical evolution as a sequence of teleportations in time. We demonstrate that any completely positive evolution can be formally reconstructed by teleportation with different temporally correlated states. This provides a different interpretation of maximally correlated PDOs, as resources to induce quantum time-evolution. Furthermore, we note that the possibility of this protocol stems from the strict formal correspondence between spatial and temporal entanglement in quantum theory. We proceed to demonstrate experimentally this correspondence, by showing a multipartite violation of generalised temporal and spatial Bell inequalities and verifying agreement with theoretical predictions to a high degree of accuracy, in high-quality photon qubits.Comment: preprin